Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Game Night: A Year In Review
Clearly one of the best games to come out in 2007... which almost kills the "year in review" portion of this... but we didn't start Game Night until early 2008... so shut it (I know this because Fenris and Tag opened my still cellophane encased copy when they came into town for a New Year's party at my house). It was a game I never really excelled at... and I'll be honest, it's a game I don't remember a lot of during most of our game nights because it was a while back. So, with that I'll leave it to the comments... Anybody out there in blog land who has a good COD4 memory feel free to comment (like anybody reads this)... and of course, those of us who are actually PART of game night should leave comments too. DO IT... or the COLE TRAIN WILL GIT YA, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Mirror's Reflection
I thought this would be more of a puzzle game but there are at times at most two ways to get from A to B. At first, it was great just running and climbing around but you’re doing it illegally and therefore, police are involved. They shoot at you but you can take a few shots. The things I really disliked about gameplay is that in some areas, you are forced to fight guards with automatic weapons in order to progress. This can be done but I don’t see why I have to. Despite a large environment, the game is really linear. This isn’t what I expected for a running game. If you’ve tried the demo, the prologue level it gives you is a pretty good indication of what the rest of the game is like. I can’t say how it could have been better, I just know how good it is and isn’t. 7/10
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Don't Worry, I'm Here To Help...
See that there... that's a Texans Jersey. It's what they've been calling "Liberty White" 'round these parts. Study it very closely... that's where you want to throw the ball. I've even done you the favor of making it an Andre Johnson jersey... turns out, this is where you should be going with the ball most of the time anyway. Now I know it's only your first day here... and I don't want to give you too much to digest right away. But, I think we might be able to go over a couple of variations of the jersey above.
These are Navy and "Battle Red" version of your jersey. Notice how they still display the "Texans" logo above the numbers on the front. That's a real key give away. That's what you want to look for at all times since it's consistent across all 3. Once again, these are Andre Johnson jerseys... seriously, throw him the fucking ball... Matt... up here asshole... this is important shit, pay attention.
Yes, I understand you're hurt... yes I know you didn't play at Navy, I said the Jersey was a "Navy" color... fuck
Now, if you find yourself in a situation where this knowledge has left you... I know a crumbling pocket is a tough place to keep your wits about you... simply look down at your own jersey. Match that up with the little bodies running around in front of you, and throw it to that guy... only make sure that number is "80" for fuck's sake.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Is There Something Important Going On Today?
Also, is it really necessary to update your facebook status to “get out the word on voting”? It’s mother fuckin’ election day… is there really anybody left out there with a facebook/email account who DOESN’T know there’s some kind of election going on, Obama is clearly a member of a Muslim terrorist cell, and John McCain eats fetuses to sustain his frail state of health? Hobos who can't read, write, hear, or speak, know that there's an election going on.
In conclusion, I like "quotes". Carry on.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Truer Words...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
A Great Many Things
I'm still finishing up Fable 2, I picked up Fallout 3 tonight, and Gears of War 2 comes out in a couple of weeks. Not to mention that I'd like to get my hands on Little Big Planet, and I still haven't given any time to Capcom's 8-bit revival, Mega Man 9.
Oh, and this came in the mail today too:
This is brought to you by the same guy who runs Kissing Suzy Kolber, Drew Magary... a pretty hilarious NFL site. Go buy it... if you have the balls.
Balls... hehe.
Anyway, it looks like I've got plenty to keep me busy for a while.
On another note, now that I have a moment to elaborate, Fable 2 is pretty awesome. I don't know why, but the mindless tasks behind it can sometimes be so entertaining... the little side jobs like wood cutting and bartending are so stupid, but so fun. I'm sure that says absolutely nothing good about me at all. I will say that I'll be glad to give the game a shot going the "evil" route... because FUCK those villagers are annoying. It'll be nice to slap the shit out of one the next time she talks about the rumored killer chicken that ate a boy.
Oh, and in "Intervention Watch '08"... Tag was playing before I signed in... and was still going strong when I signed off. We're monitoring the situation carefully. It should also be noted that he's on his second playthrough.
And that goes for all 4 of us. I don't even think Tag has used a bathroom since release.
It got ugly during Mass Effect... we'd plan an intervention... but... you know... Fable 2.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Nice Job, A**holes
The main feature of the game is called Pro Mode where you design your own custom character and put him on a team. You start out on the reserve team and work your way up to the first team. The thing about pro mode is that you only get to play the character you made. You get experience points for doing stuff correctly such as; completing passes, being in the right position, helping on defense, and just running with the ball. Of course, if you do it wrong, they take away experience. There is an arrow on your character showing about where he should be on the field at any particular time so you don’t feel lost. After every game, you can use the experience points towards your player attributes. I learned pretty quickly that you need stamina to play soccer and my left midfielder is going to get some mileage. There are still the generic features you get with all the sports games but I’ll be stuck on pro mode for a while. The game still suffers from its’ previous editions and has a terrible camera system. When in regular play, the game switches players automatically when you’re on defense which sometimes has you suddenly switch off the character you want to be and let the computer dribble right past while you think you’re still controlling the player you wanted to be controlling. It’s a solid title and I might have consider this a buy instead of just a rental. 8/10
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Awwww, Sh*t
Joe Buck: Well we're here in the bottom of the 7th with Aybar at the plate. This has been a close one folks.
Aybar [at plate]: Oh shit... is that Wheeler up over there in the bullpen? Fuck.
Joe Buck: Aybar swings... and it's a LONG FLY BALL! THIS ONE IS OUTTA HERE!
Aybar [rounding bases]: Can't I get a few bonus runs for distance...
IYA Goes Full Tilt
Friday, October 10, 2008
Inverted Y Axis Presents: It's a Trap!
[Note: I think Poops is sitting this one out... we'll catch him on the next for sure.]
One of the games that sucked me in and didn’t let go was Mass Effect. I was never a big fan of role playing games but this one was considered epic and a “must play” to pretty much all gamers. I decided to take the plunge after hearing good reviews from my circle of gaming trust.
As most people know, there are six classes in the game; soldier, engineer, adept, sentinel, infiltrator, and vanguard. I started off as an infiltrator but didn’t like it so much and started a soldier. After I finished the game in about 43 hours of cumulative play I was hooked on the storyline. So I decided to try an engineer next. Somewhere around this time, I did more research into how you can set up your character. Do I want to be mean or nice? What kind of background should I have to facilitate being mean or nice? I thought if I’m going to spend more time with this game, I should try having my character be female and see if it’s any different (not much btw).
I beat it the second time with an engineer class in about 28 hours of play, then again with a vanguard, an adept, an infiltrator, and finally a sentinel. I also finished my first infiltrator. It became a textbook grind of a game and my final play through ended in 20 hours 23 minutes. I should note that each of my characters have finished the game at 100%, there’s nothing left to do in the game. I played through once more on the hardcore setting with my engineer and started on the insane difficulty with my adept. About this point, people started getting worried and I came to the realization, after 9 playthroughs of the game, that this was stupid. I put the game down at about 70% through insane difficulty (10 playthrough) and haven’t picked it back up since. I’ll estimate 240 hours of my life went to this game, about 10 whole days… jebus fuck.
I’m talking about when you’re so into a game and have been playing for so long that you get physically ill, but still can’t stop playing. Now a couple of game have fallen into this category for me over the years, generally older generation games who’s graphics are at least partially to blame. With newer generation games this Sickness may go away entirely and though I am using it as a gaming yard stick I won’t miss its passing. The top of my list is Morrowind: Elder Scrolls 3 (Ninja Giaden was a close second). This game comes from the minds of Bethesda which along with Bioware have cranked out some of my favorite games over the years.
This original Xbox title was one that I had originally stayed away from and I don’t think I even played it till it had been out for a year or 2. My college degree shall be eternally grateful that I didn’t start it earlier. The detail of character customization and sheer amount and variety of stuff to do in this game was staggering. Morrowind had the topography of an entire continent shoved into a good sized island; you could never know what you would find around the next bend. I was about 40 to 50 hours into my first play through when I found out that I was going to need some city guard to have the game take the course I wanted to go, unfortunately I had made the entire city guard so mad at me that they apparently had kill on sight orders for my character. Lesson don’t steal (get caught wearing the stole armor) from guards.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
An Inverted Y Axis Detour
Here at IYA, we dabble in many other things other than video games. Aith rides his bike, Poops landscapes, Tag plays hockey, and Fenris… Fenris-es. So without further ado, we present some random thoughts.
With the big election in the near future, I’m reminded of one of the things that really chaps my caboose: the straight-party vote. In Poopsville - where I rule with absolute power, the Dallas Cowboys never lose a game, OU never wins a game, A&M is not a cult, and the Texas Rangers… well, let’s be honest, not even an imaginary utopia can fix the pitching problems – the boxes for straight-party votes are connected to pressure sensitive switches that when activated propel the “voter” into my own little Great Pit of Carkoon. In these depths, one will not have to deal with being digested over a thousand years. No, no, sweet friends. Mercy will not follow into those depths. Instead, the pit will be filled with ravenous, carnal creatures ready to violate every orifice in your body with whatever appendage they deem apt for the task.
Why such the anger towards the straight-party vote? Why subject people exercising their civic duty to such awful creatures? To me, the straight-party vote indicates one of three things to me:
· Being unfamiliar to all the candidates
· Having a selfish desire for a “team win”
· Having a closed mind and thinking that candidates from the other parties couldn’t possibly be better than the worst from your chosen party.
The first reason is understandable. Often there are several elections going on at a time, and it’s ok to not know everything about every candidate. The second rationale is despicable. Elections are not about bragging to your golf buddies about how one party won and the other party lost. They’re about choosing leaders of the country, heads of government, or in the Dallas ISD’s case, which superintendent can best fuck up a budget - certainly not things to be cast casually aside in favor of some selfish yearning to see your team win. The third option is possibly the most loathsome of all. The political system has evolved so much recently with sub-parties and cross-over candidates that it is ridiculous to think that some one with an R or a D by their name cannot possibly compare to an I candidate.
My proposed solution: if you don’t know, don’t vote. I’m of the opinion that an uninformed vote is far worse than not voting at all. I encourage people to be informed and to cast their ballot. Don’t pull a
God, I need to go play some video games.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Fly you fools!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Race Day: GT5 Prologue
That being said, I am also anticipating the release of the hardest fucking racing game ever made, in a series of video games, to be released October 30th. I’m talking about MotoGP '08. Yes it’s hard to believe but my racing influence includes motorcycles. I’ve been keeping up with the MotoGP season in real life and it’s been an exciting season. Valentino Rossi is the most ridiculous racer I’ve ever seen, ridiculous meaning the most badass. The games’ crappy controls and unforgiving physics means you have to have memorized the courses, preferred lines, and front and rear tire braking ratios on every turn to have any success at the game. Unbelievably, the MotoGP series has a humongous following, most likely derived from its’ real life fan base. This is the only game I have ever played that requires practice to actually be decent at. Even then, you’re still going to get lapped by the computer on the easy setting. Can’t frickin’ wait…
Always Be Polite
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Angry Review: War World
I like Mechs... I like Mech games... I mean what's cooler than giant robots blowing stuff up and crushing things beneath their feet? Well, if you're playing War World you might think that hanging yourself is a great alternative. You get one freakin' weapon on most Mechs... even HUGE Mechs. The weapons you DO get have no weight to them. When I hop into an Atlus in MechAssault and fire 5 auotcannons into the chest of another Mech, there's plenty going on on-screen and audibly to let me know I just fucked up his day. In War World, the best they could do was give you a health meter above your enemies head that you watch slowly drain away to 0... ending in an AMAZING pyrotechnics display... nooooooot (holla at outdated, lame, movie references!!). Most things just disappear into a cloud of greenish yellowish vapor... except for trees, buildings, towers, etc. Those don't blow up at all. How the fuck does a tree stop 100 tons of fuck-you-up? By simply being right in front of it obviously. I swear the inhabitants of War World should build their war machines out of wood because apparently that shit is amazing. Oh, also, the game lags... offline.
So, if you're thinking of picking up War World, here's an idea. Commit a crime, go to prison, become somebody's bitch. It'll be pretty much the same... you don't want it, but it'll be forced on you anyway. Thanks a lot Ubisoft. Consider this our first I.Y.A. exclusive: Ubisoft, Prison Rapists. This report is of course coming from the preposition that Ubisoft was already in prison for past crimes... like naming a game Pandora Tomorrow, or this:
Way to turn a Daniel Larussa looking pussy into the lead singer of an emo band. Bunch of stupid fucks.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Who you gonna call
Hazed weekend
Gameplay for the Mantel troopers was terrible. Sure you get yours shots of Nectar when encountering enemies, it makes them glow orange so you can see them. Plus it increases your health. You get six injections initially but they recharge over time, or you can take them from your teammates. Accidentally shooting your teammates in the nectar injector on their backs causes them to turn from yellow to red and they go crazy, shooting everyone, even you. When you switch sides to the rebels, the gameplay becomes a little better. The reticule downgrades from a nice zoomed crosshair to ironsites. Your teammates actually try to help you instead of just trying to cover you. The feign dead rebel feature has pretty much no use and you find yourself scavenging for ammo the entire game. Enemy AI are terrible shots, even the snipers, except for when you're in a vehicle, they can hit that... Overall I can say I'm satisfied for trying it out but give it a 6/10.